Spring Thaw
Can you feel the days getting longer? There's more spring in your step? Time to come out of hibernation? All of this is my circuitous way of saying the Hibernia KAL has come to an end.
This knitalong ran all through January 2020 in my Ravelry group and on Instagram. It was so much fun seeing your beanies, headbands, mittens, and fingerless mitts take shape!
After the KAL there are 38 Hibernia Beanies ...
AnninUnelmat's, Krissesim's and merfin's Hibernia Beanies
... 8 Hibernia Headbands ...
flykati's, OctoberWind's and akkeli's Hibernia Headbands
... 14 pairs of Hibernia Mittens ...
PinkSparkleKnits', Paputsu's and flykati's Hibernia Mittens
... and 16 pairs of Hibernia Mitts!
Thank you all for participating in the knitalong! ❤
If you didn't get to knit your Hibernia accessory for the knitalong in January, it's not too late. Join my mailing list and you'll get a FREE copy of Hibernia Beanie!
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